Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Report
Incident Summary: On November 11, 2024, a disruption impacted the Financial Cloud CRM platform, specifically affecting communications and new user creation. This downtime was traced to a routine database update in the billing module, which introduced a new library dependency. This dependency required implementation and deployment. Communication services were queued during this process, and user updates could not be processed.
Root Cause: The issue arose from a routine database upgrade. The database upgrade introduced unforeseen system conflicts that temporarily disrupted the functionality of platform services, including communications and new user creations.
To restore affected components, our team identified the issue and implemented a fix, followed by monitoring to ensure system stability. The resolution steps were executed as follows:
Timeline of Events:
11/11/2024 08:00 UTC: Issue identified. Communications and new user creations were disrupted due to the new dependency conflict.
11/11/2024 12:15 UTC: Fix implemented, and monitoring began.
11/11/2024 12:30 UTC: Full resolution confirmed, and services restored.
Preventive Measures:
Enhanced Dependency Testing: Implementing additional testing protocols for new library dependencies to identify potential conflicts during pre-deployment stages on secondary hybrid services.
Impact Assessment:
The issue affected:
Agent – Communication Queued
Admin – User Creation Limited
API - Comms API Queued
No data loss occurred during this incident. All services were restored without further customer impact.
Contact Information: For further questions or support, please reach out to our support team.